Refugee’s Streets Of Tijuana

Over 3000 Refugees from Haiti have come in to Tijuana, Mexico on a weekly basis seeking asylum in the US due to how bad their situation has gotten in their own country. One of the nonprofit organizers we are supporting with pro bono work is asking for your help to assist in opening a shelter to give them their basic needs such as FOOD, WATER, SHELTER, CLOTHING, MEDICINE.   Please visit for help. This nation hasn’t recovered from the over 100,000 who died in the last Earth Quake. Another 1000 people just died in this year’s Hurricane. And you Can Email Daivd Here – [email protected]...

Sales Without Failure: Overcome These 8 Types of Sales Fear

Do you want to sell without feeling rejected? Do you want sell without begging, bribing or bragging? Do you want to feel confident and effective every time you interact with a prospect (even if they say no?)? The answer lies in re framing these 8 fears you have when it comes to selling:      (image cred: High Probability Selling Blog)   Others: How to get more clients by COnvertport COnvertport  Automate my...

Are you hoping people will stumble on your website on Google?

Those days are gone. There are many ways to use social media to attract clients but it can be confusing. Fixing your sales problem is a platform for a better life. CRSP enables you to take your business through a step by step process and analyze what your 80/20 strength ratio is. Then building a paid ad and an email marketing automation sequence tied to your unique strengths. So stop worrying about whether you should produce audio podcasts or start a webinar? What you must understand is that you HAVE to secure clients first and filter out the noise....

Do you think like an investor in your own company?

You are your own major investor! Most small businesses invest their private money into their business. But your investment is more than money, it’s also time. Are you asking yourself on a daily basis what you have to offer that your competition does not? Are you putting time in every day that you are seeing an end result from? If you plan your time and your investment well you will reap the rewards of a successful business. Many small business owners are not quite sure how to pull this off. If you are struggling with client acqusition, lead generation and managing traffic to your site let us help...

Did you receive specialized training to become an entrepreneur in school?

Chances are the answer to this is no. None of us were taught how to build, maintain and grow our own business. Most people fall into entrepreneurship and learn the things that are getting them their current results from talking to friends, blog posts or podcasts. Therefore we are flying by the seat of our pants every day trying to keep our business alive. By and large, people can not define their official sales process in their business. If you can’t define your sales process, even if you’re getting several thousand dollars a month in revenue, if you haven’t formalized your sales and client acquisition process then it’s going to be difficult for you to get predictable results. In order to get predictable results you have to have a professional process. If you don’t have a customer you don’t have a business. There are step you can take today to begin to systemize your client acquisition. Don’t wait...

Do you have a specific morning routine?

Starting your day the right way can put you and keep you on the road to success. Every aspect of your life is going to affect your business. Imagine your life as a building with four pillars. One is health, one is your relationships, one is wealth/work/contribution the fourth is lifestyle . Ask yourself what are the three things that are most important in each one of those areas and make a check list. Then make sure you review those things EVERY morning, because everyday there is a battle of wills.  Either your will or the will of somebody who is more focused. Someone has to win. Start your day with your priorities not someone else’s. Every day that you start intent on your goals brings you closer to them. Your personal life is very much a part or your business. You have to make sure you are taking care of that “business” as well. Need some guidance on focus?...